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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nature Lover Activity - History of Rafting

History of Rafting

Indonesia Rafting 1
Since ancient times many people who prefer to live in the river to look for food or other materials, and equipment they use are objects around them such as, several trees were tied as the media to float or boat that is made from a hollowed large tree trunks.
Ancient tribe in Canada has started its development, and the Carib Indians developed it and named it Pirogue, while primitive man used to call Dug Out Canoe. People Maoris of New Zealand developed a huge Dug Out Canoe to bring their troops. While Indian tribes Kwakiuti Daei Vancouver, Canada decorate their boats with beautiful carvings.
Indonesia Rafting 2
Out Bark Canoe is the development of the Dug Out Canoe, made of boards that set up, by the North American Indians. Eskimos created "Craft Covered Skin" wrapped with animal skin that is impermeable to water.
Rafting itself was started after World War II in which a group of adventure lovers activities trying to trace the rivers of Colorado.
Major John Wesley Powell an American soldier known as "the father of the World Rafting", was first introduced by Rafting down the Colorado River 250 miles across the cluster of giant cliffs, which later was named Grand Canyon.
For the next in the Americas and Europe, river tracing activity was growing into a highrisk sports are quite popular, and known as WhiteWater Rafting.

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